
Because the best bits of your miniature collection are the bits you sculpt yourself.

About Basius

BASIUS is a collection of easy-to-use negatively detailed solid resin press-pads. They are designed by a family of gamers for use in miniature tabletop games, role playing games and board games. With them you can:

  • Sculpt stunning texture onto your miniature bases
  • Mount tricky & demanding figures easily
  • Create custom detailing for your miniatures
  • Texture surfaces for your scenery and diorama projects
  • Easily achieve your desired basing finish & develop your own sculpting ability

BASIUS pads proudly feature elements and input from industry-leading scale miniature companies such as Mantic & Peco, along with a growing wealth of younger miniature companies such as Zealot Miniatures, Vesper-On, Studio Miniatures & Realm.

Each BASIUS pad in the collection provides 50mm by 50mm of fantastically sculpted negative texture and are available individually or as sets of 12 theme-linked pads.

BASIUS MAX are the ultimate evolution of BASIUS. Each pad provides around 72 square inches of texture, enabling you to make 1000's of unique bases for your themed miniature collection.

How To Use Basius

Push 'Green Stuff' on your miniature base, wet the pad surface, press the base into the pad and remove it, then trim the base edge and leave to dry. It's as simple as that!

If you wish you can then customise the sculpt whilst it is wet (Green Stuff takes over an hour to dry). You can also add footprints, flight sticks or spare model elements such as discarded weapons or armour.

Thousands of people are already using BASIUS to aid their sculpting, typically with 'Green-Stuff' putty, but many report that BASIUS also works well with Brown Stuff, Sculpey & Super Sculpey, Milliput and other types of hobby putty too.

A quick search of BASIUS on Google Images will provide many examples of bases & scenery made by gamers and YouTube has plenty of videos made by many hobby gamers & collectors from across the world, showing how they go about using BASIUS. Both are well worth looking into.

How To Get Basius

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