Museum Replicas

When History Craft Ltd was established in the 1970’s it was the time when many museums and historic sites were developing shops; selling museum gifts was becoming an important way to increase income. The company soon became the major manufacturer of museum replicas in the country. This required skills in moulding complex shaped and delicate items as well as reproducing the patination and appearance of traditional materials that producing museum reproductions require. Our methods for making bronze replicas were developed in response to the museum reproduction market. Techniques also now applied in our work for volume commercial markets to reproduce stone, ivory, bronze, antique wood, slate, marble etc.

Museum replicas still figure in our work. Current projects include production of the Isle of Lewis chess set for the National Museum of Scotland and production of a full size museum replica of a Roman gravestone for display purposes as well as a reduced scale reproduction of the same item using scanning and 3D printing techniques. We have made sculpture replicas for several museums and also replica artifacts for a Scandinavian museum

The museum replica has many uses. Fund raising through sales at museum shops, shops in cathedrals, castles and stately homes contributes to their costs of upkeep and restoration. Museum replicas are also used by museum loan services for educational purposes. Other applications include replica church brasses used by brass rubbers thereby avoiding potential damage to the historic original and replicas of Roman and Arabic mosaics used for tiling floors and walls both internally and externally. Resin replicas offer these organisations a lower cost option for creating museum reproductions.

museum reproduction

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